Orange County High Schools are performing better than average in North Carolina

Standardized tests are one of the main factors considered in college acceptance.

ORANGE COUNTY, North Carolina — The ACT is one of the main standardized tests used in college entrance applications. Many high school students must go through the stressful process of completing this test to the best of their ability, determining where they will attend college. The average scores of each high school say a lot about its funding, teachers, students and overall educational experience.

When looking at the data from Orange County compared to the rest of the state of North Carolina, it is clear that Orange County is doing something right.

The county performs higher in every aspect than the average North Carolina high school, according to the Durham chapter of Open Data Soft. This data set looks at ACT scores of North Carolina, Orange County and specifically Cedar Ridge High School and Orange High School. Some schools were not included in the data.

This data does not mean that Orange County schools are the best in the state, but it speaks to the programs offered in the county as they are performing above average according to their ACT scores.

Graduation Rates and Composite Scores Meeting the UNC Requirements

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From the data, Orange County is performing above average for the 2016-2017 school year compared to the rest of North Carolina.

The graduation rates are calculated on a four-year plan, highlighting that Orange County has a higher graduation rate than the average North Carolina high school. Higher graduation rates tend to correlate with participation in higher education and higher employment rates.

Composite Scores Meeting the UNC Requirements

The composite ACT scores are made up of the average scores of the Reading, Writing, Science, Math and English sections of the standardized test. Most universities accept the highest composite score, but some will accept a student's super score, or composite of the highest scores of each section from multiple tries, guaranteeing the highest outcome for the applicant.

Hover over or tap each component to learn about the individual data, comprising of data of females and males in North Carolina and Orange County meeting UNC's requirements for the ACT rather than not meeting the requirements.

Breakdown of the Scores

English is the highest score on average in each school, while subjects like writing and science are the lowest. This data could represent the focus put on each subject in high schools and the ones that might need more work.

Hover over or tap each component to learn about the individual data.


Full Data Set

Want to learn more? View the data table below of all data used in this article:

District Name School Name Subject Standard % of All Students % of Female Students % of Male Students Number of All Students Number of Female Students Number of Male Students
District Name School Name Subject Standard % of All Students % of Female Students % of Male Students Number of All Students Number of Female Students Number of Male Students