You're probably wondering how I ended up here. Let me go back to the beginning...
Growing up, I was always interested in journalism and telling stories in new and interesting ways. I knew I wanted to stay in the creative field, but I wasn't sure how that would translate to a career. I began at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the School of Media and Journalism with a concentration in Editing and Graphic Design (this lengthy description is why it always took over five minutes to introduce myself). At first, I was in it for the editing and, while it has taught me the importance of good grammar, it wasn't for me. I leaned into the graphic design classes, which eventually led me to interactive media design and development and I've been making websites ever since. Coding and website development provided the creative outlet I was searching for, but in a structured and thoughtful process. Now, I think in for loops and day dream about how to make the coolest CSS animation for my CodePen.